Cone Beamed Computer Tomography
Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is the newest and most advanced high resolution radiographic technology. Using the Kodak 9000 3D, your endodontist can visualize portions of the jaw that are not possible with standard x-rays. The Kodak CBCT provides very detailed three-dimensional digital radiographs with low radiation dosage (equivalent to a panoramic x-ray).
Your endodontist will use these images and advanced viewing software to make an informed diagnosis and best guide you in making treatment decisions.
Surgical Operating Microscopes
All of our modern treatment rooms are equipped with Carl Zeiss operating microscopes. This important tool assists the endodontist through both high level magnification and fiber optic illumination. In addition, the microscopes are integrated with high-resolution video, allowing for advanced documentation and communication with your general dentist.
Digital Radiography
Computed dental radiography allows the endodontist and staff to take the highest resolution images possible at a greatly reduced radiation dosage when compared with film. The electronic sensor produces an immediate image on the computer, which can be enhanced or enlarged for analysis. These high quality images can also be printed or sent to your general dentist.
Sophisticated ultrasonic machines are used as a miniature, but powerful and quiet, alternative to the air driven dental drill in very small spaces where a drill could not fit. These ultrasonic units, fitted with diamond-coated tips, are used to remove obstructions from the root canal, to uncover canals to expose them for cleaning, and to prepare the root-end for filling in case microsurgical intervention is indicated.
Apex Locators
Electronic monitors with liquid crystal displays are used to measure the length of the root canal and confirm the finding of additional canals. Thus, procedures can be accomplished with greater precision and with fewer x-rays.
Nickel-titanium Rotary Instruments
Traditional endodontic cleaning instruments are made of stainless steel. The newer nickel-titanium instruments are much more flexible and come in several shapes designed to allow the cleaning of the root canal to be performed in a more efficient manner with less chance of harm to the tooth. These instruments can be used manually or with silent electric drills that eliminate the unpleasant noises of the dental office.
Advanced Dental Materials
Only the most advanced materials are used, such as Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA), a recently developed material that has been shown to be much more biocompatible than previous dental materials. It is employed as a seal during endodontic surgery and repair of damaged roots.
Electronic Records
Our offices are linked so that you can schedule your appointments conveniently from each office for either office. Your information is also then shared between the offices so that it can be retrieved immediately. Electronic records allow for secure and efficient documentation of your diagnosis and treatment.